Desiree Avila, REALTOR®
Board Certified
Trusted Local Real Estate Expert

Charles Rutenberg Realty Fort Lauderdale

954-853-7048 |

7 Places in Florida Where New Homes Start At Less than $350K

Modern new construction home in Los Angeles

Exodus, Movement of South Florida People Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. New Construction Pricing Before we delve into the different communities around the state it is important to understand new construction pricing. The price advertised on builder’s websites are usually a base […]

$100M Down Payment Assistance Available From Hometown Heroes

Top view composition made of red heart in a house surrounded with small hearts

Every American’s Dream There is no place like home. Judy Garland as Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz Tweet Judy Garland said it and psychologist Abraham Maslow defined a home as one of the most basic human needs. Shelter, a home, a place where you feel safe, a place you long to come home to […]

A Down Payment Is Less Than You Think

How Much Is A Down Payment On a House? When I talk to potential buyers I am always surprised that they think that a down payment on a house is 10%, 20% or even 30%. Investors or foreign nationals seeking to buy real estate may be required to be down a large down payment. However, […]

8 Things Not to Do When Buying a House

When you are in the process of buying a house, be very careful with your finances. Here are 8 things you should avoid doing during the home buying process.

2019 – The Year of the Buyer?

Change is in the Air Toward the second half of 2018 it was evident that the real estate market was changing. Properties, that at the end of 2017 would not have lasted on the market for more than a week, began to linger a little bit longer. There were less showings, and less desperation about […]